10u Competitive Fastpitch – Minor Division
The 10u Competitive Fastpitch – Minor Division is for players with birthdates between September 2012 and August 2014 in grades 3-5.
The Division will be considered “hybrid-pitch”, meaning a player will have the opportunity to pitch until league requirements are met (currently 4 balls thrown to a batter), and then it will become coach-pitch (currently for the remainder of the at-bat, then will revert to player-pitch). Girls will begin to be played more frequently at positions where they fit best, but the ability to play different positions (including pitcher) as the opportunity arises throughout the season will remain. Practices will continue to focus on fundamentals of the game such as hitting, fielding, and base running (including stealing and sliding), as well as proper throwing and catching mechanics, however, practices will also begin to focus more heavily on advanced situational defense and offense. Emphasis during games is both player improvement as well as winning.
Rosters may be composed of between 11 and 14 players.
Teams will be formed to play competitively in the West Shore Minors Fast Pitch League. Practices will begin on or around April 1st and games will begin in mid-April. Activities (practices and/or games) will typically be scheduled 2-3 times per week. Games will not occur on set days. Games will generally be scheduled so that there is 1 home game and 1 away game each week. Away games will require limited travel in the immediate area (see participating West Shore Minors organizations).
A weekend tournament opportunity is available for players in the 10u Competitive Fastpitch – Minor Division.
Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in this level. After completing CHGSL Softball’s background check requirements, parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within the league.
Cost is $100 per player.